Japanese Green Tea- Antiviral, Antibacterial , Moderating allergies

Sencha Green Tea

A type of Japanese green tea which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot or cold water.


Japanese  green tea consisting of green tea (approx. 50%) mixed with roasted popped brown rice (approx. 50%).


It is distinctive from other Japanese green teas because it is roasted in a porcelain pot over charcoal, whereas most Japanese teas are steamed. *(In certain areas of Japan, Hojicha is called Bancha)


Unique in that it is naturally very low in caffeine without any industrial decaffeination. Therefore, Kukicha is the best green tea for children and people who cannot have drinks high in caffeine.


Developed for black tea production.  Rich in metylated catechins – A Way to Relieve Allergy Symptoms , only exist in green tea form.

Low in Caffeine

Organic Green Tea

ORGANIC GREEN TEA – JAS is the abbreviation for “Japanese Agricultural Standard”, which includes organic food and farming standards for Japan. Australian Certified Organic was the first certification body to become JAS accredited within Australia and has the majority of JAS clients within Australia.


Finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves.